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Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office to Prosecute 18-Year-Old Terror Suspect as Adult

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PHILADELPHIA (September 18, 2024) — The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office announced on Wednesday that it will prosecute Muhyyee-Ud-Din Abdul-Rahman (DOB 3/15/06) of West Philadelphia as an adult, due to overwhelming evidence collected during an extensive law enforcement investigation indicating that he intended to cause a mass casualty event. Following an extensive court hearing, over several days, the Commonwealth argued in its brief to the court that “the public’s interest would be served and that the defendant was not amenable to treatment, supervision, or rehabilitation as a juvenile” and that his case should be transferred to the adult justice system. Philadelphia Family Court concurred on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

Rahman is currently charged with Attempt to Commit Weapons of Mass Destruction (F2); Criminal Conspiracy (F2); Arson (F3); Causing or Risking Catastrophe (F3); Attempt to Commit Criminal Mischief (F3); Possession of an Instrument of Crime (M1); Recklessly Endangering Another Person (M2).

Law enforcement began investigating Rahman after they received electronic communications between the defendant and terrorist organizations in Syria. These communications indicated that Rahman wanted to become a bombmaker for these groups, identified as Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad (KTJ) and Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (HTS). KTJ is officially designated by the U.S. State Department as a global terrorist organization and is affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

As the investigation continued with assistance from various law enforcement agencies, agents uncovered evidence that the defendant was also gathering materials including muriatic acid, potassium nitrate, and fertilizer, to construct explosives at his parents’ residence. Investigators also believe he tested such explosives a minimum of 12 times. During this time he was also purchasing tactical combat gear, including a chest rig that can store multiple AK-47 magazines. The defendant also attempted to create Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP), also called ‘The Mother of Satan’, which is considered an extremely potent and unstable type of explosive that even bomb technicians are prohibited from producing for testing purposes.

Rahman was arrested in August 2023. After being Mirandized, the defendant was interviewed at length by law enforcement, in which he admitted his intent to assist terrorists overseas as a bombmaker. Agents subsequently conducted cell phone analysis after the defendant gave investigators access to two devices. Internet search histories indicated that Rahman was interested in the dates and times of local parades, including the Philadelphia Pride Parade. Investigators also discovered evidence of his hatred for the LGBTQ+ community. Additional evidence indicated his interest in potentially targeting critical infrastructure throughout the region, including power plants and domestic military bases.

“We are grateful for the work of Assistant District Attorney Christopher Angelo, Supervisor of our Juvenile Unit, along with our justice partners, for collaborating on this investigation which likely prevented a horrific tragedy,” said District Attorney Larry Krasner. “I also want to take this opportunity to denounce this defendant’s twisted ideology, which in no way represents the overwhelming majority of peaceful people of faith, including the Muslim community. I hope Philadelphians join me in condemning hatred, bigotry, and violent political views in all of their forms.”

“Our office intends to prosecute this defendant to the fullest extent,” said First Assitant Robert Listenbee. “This investigation remains ongoing, and the Krasner administration will continue to work with our federal and local law enforcement partners to ensure the safety of all Philadelphians.”

Dustin Slaughter, [email protected]


The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office is the largest prosecutor’s office in Pennsylvania, and one of the largest in the nation. It serves the more than 1.5 million residents of the City and County of Philadelphia, employing 600 lawyers, detectives, and support staff. The District Attorney’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of approximately 40,000 criminal cases annually. Learn more about the DAO by visiting

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