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Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Encourages Nonprofit Cycling Organizations to Apply for Violence Prevention Grant Funding

PHILADELPHIA (April 18, 2022) — As a tragic and unrelenting wave of gun violence continues to plague communities across the citythe Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office (DAO) is strongly encouraging local 501(c)(3) cycling-oriented and youth violence prevention organizations to apply for a new round of violence prevention grant funding. This call for applicants comes as warmer weatherand an expected further uptick in fatal and non-fatal shooting incidentsapproach.

The DAO recognizes the important role these groups play in engaging our city’s youth every day. These organizations help youth develop valuable mechanical skills, connect them to leadership opportunities, and provide fun cycling opportunities and other types of programming.“We should all be grateful to community-based groups doing the often thankless work of keeping our youth out of trouble by connecting them to meaningful activities such as cycling,” said District Attorney Larry Krasner. “These activities, including cycling ‘ride-outs’ and teaching bike mechanics, inspire our youth to dream big and build self-confidence. This is crime prevention at its core, and our office stands ready to assist any group who is doing this good work.”

“The more resources a youth-oriented organization has, the greater an impact it will have on those lives,” said Jessi WestExecutive Director of Neighborhood Bike Works, a West Philadelphia-based nonprofit group that provides a wide variety of youth and bicycling programming.

Since May 2021, the Philadelphia Foundation has distributed nearly $700,000 to dozens of local violence prevention organizations. These funds were obtained through the DAO’s lawful and appropriate use of civil asset forfeiture.
Grant funding applications are now being accepted. 501(c)(3) organizations that provide activities focused on cycling and other forms of youth violence prevention must contact the Philadelphia Foundation in order to begin the application process:
CONTACT:Dustin Slaughter, 215-686-8713,


The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office is the largest prosecutor’s office in Pennsylvania, and one of the largest in the nation. It serves the more than 1.5 million residents of the City and County of Philadelphia, employing 600 lawyers, detectives, and support staff. The District Attorney’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of approximately 40,000 criminal cases annually. Learn more about the DAO by visiting

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