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DA Krasner Announces Opening of Microgrant Applications for Community Groups Addressing Youth Trauma from Violence​

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District Attorney Larry Krasner and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office External Engagement and Government Affairs Division announced on Monday the reopening of the application process for the DAO’s Violence Prevention Grant Initiative. He made the announcement while touring local schools to welcome youth returning to classes after the summer recess.

This application round is focused on local, community-based 501(c)(3) organizations that have been working to address youth trauma that stems from the public health and safety issue of gun violence. The Philadelphia Foundation, in partnership with the DAO, has awarded nearly three million dollars in violence prevention funding to numerous local nonprofits since May 2021.

“While homicide numbers continue to decline nationally and particularly in Philadelphia, government and community leaders cannot let our foot off of the gas,” said DA Krasner. “We must continue to address the root causes of violence, one factor being trauma stemming from gun violence. I strongly encourage all community-based nonprofits working with traumatized youth to apply today. We are here to help you continue and expand your good work for our city’s youth and young adults.”

Grant funding is obtained through the DAO’s lawful and appropriate use of civil asset forfeiture. Nonprofits are audited by the Philadelphia Foundation. To begin the application process, interested community nonprofit organizations should contact the Foundation at [email protected]. Groups must apply no later than September 20, 2024.

Dustin Slaughter, [email protected]


The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office is the largest prosecutor’s office in Pennsylvania, and one of the largest in the nation. It serves the more than 1.5 million residents of the City and County of Philadelphia, employing 600 lawyers, detectives, and support staff. The District Attorney’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of approximately 40,000 criminal cases annually. Learn more about the DAO by visiting

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